Maintaining and entering data in SAP BW was and is cumbersome and not user-friendly. A state that can be changed with ag-Grid. The probably best HTML5 grid currently available on the market simplifies the work on master data and the maintenance of data tables through many well thought-out functions. Our latest solution for the clever processing of data and tables, NextTables, makes use of the excellent technology of ag-Grid and is available for SAP BW.
Thanks to the development of NextTables based on ag Grid, all tables and DSOs (Data Store Objects) can be displayed and edited for the first time. Best of all: You don't need any JavaScript knowledge. Many of the functions contained in ag-Grid can already be configured in NextTables using table-based configuration and Business Add-Ins (BAdIs). Functions can be edited easily and conveniently via ABAP for individual customization. But what makes NextTables and the JavaScript framework provided by ag-Grid so unique? The performance and the variety of editing options that can be used to work on DSOs and tables finally closes the gap that many SAP BW users have been complaining about for a long time.
The most important features at a glance:
- All table types (Classic DSO, Advanced DSO, SAP table) of an SAP system are supported
- Intuitive search help for fields and InfoObjects
- Various editing options
- Import, export, pivot service
- Authorization control for table accesses
- Enhancement options using configuration tables and Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) using ABAP
The special feature of NextTables and ag-Grid is its high performance. All data records can be displayed and edited without delay, no special settings are required. The performance with which the data can be displayed and edited in the user interface is unique thanks to ag-Grid technology. It has never been easier to process, filter or re-sort data from SAP BW with NextTables, since usability is reminiscent of familiar software and thus significantly increases productivity in daily operations.
You always wanted to work with more functions and higher performance on your SAP BW data?