The RSADMIN table controls various processes and functionalities in an SAP BW system. In this post you will learn the most important settings
Our Blog Series "RSADMIN" at a Glance
You can maintain RSADMIN parameters through the program SAP_RSADMIN_MAINTAIN.
Parameter | Description | Relevant SAP Note |
BICS_NEW_LINE_CHECK_ENABLED | Turn on new row validation in planning | 2508938 |
Characteristics without characteristic relationships are filled with the value # during the derivation |
2508938 |
Turns on the automatic derivation through characteristic relationships during the row validation |
2508938 |
BICS_NEW_MASTER_DATA | Equivalent to PLAN_ALLOW_NOT_EXIST_MEM Pendant on BW/4HANA. Allows to enter not existing values for characteristics without master data in new rows | 2508938 |
Defines the package size for selective deletion |
1636883 |
Allows InfoCube BWA access for data mart selections |
1707069 |
Turns on 7.0x handling of InfoPackage and DTP-selections for DB-Connect |
1724438 |
RSBKDATA and RSBKDATAINFO are deleted synchronously when the data target content is deleted completely
1793726 |
DSO_REQLIST_THRESHOLD | The threshold value of the number of requests from which the temporary table is used | 1660839 |
Turn on/off SID check on HANA DB |
1724587 |
MD_DELTA_HANDLE_LOGGING | Observe the detail of each duplicate record deleted during duplicate check for time-independent master data update/text | 1579368 |
MD_ENABLE_KEY_UPDATE | Do not update any attributes in case only key fields are mapped | 1542810 |
Turns off aggregation for an InfoCube |
1497954 |
NO_EVENT_AFTER_REPAIR | After a failed process is repaired in the chain, subsequent processes are executed according to "Always". You do not want this to occur. | 1398868 |
Write-optimized DSO behaves like a PSA table |
1730703 |
NO_NEW_DTP_REQ_LOG | Turns off DTP Log | 1567992 |
Disables SID-creation through the variable prompt |
1694535 |
Process chain does not start after import |
1233327 |
Activates additional authorizations check for query views in open and select dialogs then using web applications |
1727956 |
Allows to enter not existing values in new rows. Valid for characteristics without master data |
2316927 |
Disables after-import activation of query components if components with the same technical name already exist in target system |
1551586 |
Disables the update of the field LASTUSED in the table RSZCOMPDIR during the query execution |
1508481 |
Inverts the default value of the characteristic property 'Results Rows' to the value 'Always Suppress'
1878949 |
QDEF_RESOLVE_CONSTANT_IN_CKF | Turns on improved handling of Formulas (Calculated Key Figures) containing constants, RKFs and exception aggregation | 2287301 |
RRSIMASSUPDATE | Turn off SID flag update | 1522691 |
Allow DataSources field names to be longer than 16 characters |
1683032 |
RSBK_CONTENT_DTP_FILTER_FIX | Delivering fixed values in the filter of content D DTPs | 1695209 |
Change position of RECORDMODE field |
1647327 |
Selective deletion: define package size |
1587690 |
RSDRD_SD_710_PARDEG | Selective deletion: define the degree of parallelism | 1587690 |
RSDRD_SD_710_THRESH | Selective deletion: regulate the threshold from which the Copy&Rename deletion procedure starts | 1587690 |
RSPC_ALLOW_SERVER_POPUP | Display/hide the popup to select a background server to schedule the process chain job | 1580265 |
RSPC_CUSTOMER_CONNECT | Activate process chain enhancements for releases 7.31 und 7.30 | 1915483 |
Check duplicate rows for InfoCubes and InfoCube-like ADSOs |
2457412 |
Always execute variable synchronization |
2120004 |
Handles parallel extraction from standard DSOs |
1570910 |
XY_DONT_DROP_INDEXES | Do not delete indexes before the XY-table is rebuilt | 1466536 |
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