If the old year was successful,
then look forward to the new one.
And if it was bad,
then even more so.
(Albert Einstein)
Dear customers and business partners,
Saying goodbye to 2020 is certainly not difficult for many of us. After all, this year has demanded an unimagined increase in patience, spontaneity and flexibility from us and made us abandon many habits and routines, both professionally and privately.
However, we do not want to end the year thinking only of the difficult times and restrictions that this pandemic has brought. We rather would like to say goodbye to you with a small summary of blog contributions that you have enjoyed reading. We would like to make you curious about the new blog year, in which we will again cover many interesting topics to entertain you with current information.
Let's start with our article "Master data maintenance in SAP BW and alternatives".
- Since master data maintenance in SAP BW can be tedious and users often have to put up with a lot of coordination effort with the IT department, we have explained in this article how master data maintenance works generally and have shown which alternatives could still be considered for this.
The next popular article is our article "SAP planning tools compared: SAP BW, IP, BPC and SAC".
- When it comes to planning, budgeting and forecasting key figures, a large number of our readers are looking for suitable alternatives to the much-used Excel solution. In order to be able to introduce planning processes throughout the company and, above all, to carry them out without errors, there are innovative solutions that have been highlighted in this article.
Following up on the webinar we hosted in May, many of our readers were interested in the blog post "Summary of the How-to Dashboard with SAC Story Webinar" and the recording of that webinar.
- A meaningful dashboard is essential for quick decision-making in organizations. How changing conditions - internal and external - affect the business must be readily visible via a well-sorted and easy-to-interpret dashboard.
Our interested readers also recognize this, which is why this article has found a place in our Top 5.
Whether it had to do with Corona or whether there is basically increased interest in Machine Learning content, we do not want to comment at this point. What we have noticed is that both the article "Machine Learning & the day after Corona - Does the glass ball need to be reexamined?" and the article "Machine Learning in customer segmentation with RFM analysis" were very popular and we want to continue to serve this interest with relevant articles in the new year.
- In "Machine Learning & the day after Corona" we raised the question of how the (working) world will change after Corona and whether or how machine learning strategies and models will have to change along with it in order to be well positioned for "the new normal".
- We then took a step deeper into the potential applications of machine learning with the second article, "Machine Learning in Customer Segmentation." We presented the potential of RFM analyses in customer segmentation and gave an outlook on how machine learning can have a positive impact on successful customer relationship management and the buyer journey.
All together, in addition to these, there were many other interesting articles that we wrote with the aim of providing you with interesting and unique content.
We would like to thank you for the good cooperation in this extraordinary year.
We appreciate your interest, feedback, questions and suggestions about our articles and take this as motivation for selecting new topics and writing more articles in the new year.
Happy holidays to you and your families. Come well into the new year and stay healthy!
Best wishes
Your NextLytics Team